Fired for Solitaire, and Whores against GTA...

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 16 Februari 2006 0 komentar
I am a normal office worker. I come in everyday sit at my cube and unless I have something really urgent to do, I go through my normal routine of breakfast and the news. During the day I take random breaks by either reading more news or going to the shitter and playing Wipeout Pure or perhaps watching some anime. I rarely if ever play video games on my office computer, mostly because they are wack. There are far better things on the internet to see and do besides playing lame ass minesweeper (which is a holdover from Windows 3.1, and probably even older than that). The point here is that we are not machines, those of us that work in the common corporate setting cannot work from the time we walk in to the time we leave at the end of the day. In fact, breaks whether they take the form of conversations with co-workers, a word jumble here and there, or a few minutes playing Solitaire are integral to getting the most out of employees in an environment that really taxes a person's mental ability. You would think that in such a bureaucracy as NYC's government that they would understand that, apparently Mayor Bloomberg did not get that memo. A man was recently fired by Mayor Bloomberg when the mayor visited an office and spotted a game of solitaire running on the employee's computer. Saying that the workplace was not a time for games but was a time for you to do what you were paid for, Bloomberg supported his no-tolerance policy. This is freakin bogus. The article mentions no prior offenses this employee had because he had none. He was paid $27,000 a year (that's NYC dollars people, not normal money) and worked in the office for 6 years. This has got to be illegal, but this guy doesn't even seem like he cares that much. As far as I know from the article, this guy did not have any other misgivings other than the fact that he liked a stupid card game and played it sometimes. I wish someone would fire me for something so trivial. Maybe at $27,000/year this guy could actually make a decent wage suing the city for everything he can. What was Bloomberg doing when he was visiting him? Was he "Hard At work" touring various offices which I am sure have no bearing on his day to day work, taking pictures with people and shaking hands which is a waste of the money NYC folks are paying him. Maybe someone should fire his ass.

In other weird news it seems that the Sex Workers Outreach Project USA is protesting the GTA games (who isn't) for depicting the beating and raping of prostitutes in a good light by awarding points to a player that commits the heinous acts. Listen everyone cause I am only gonna say this once. GTA is a VIDEO GAME. It is fictional and depicts things that would otherwise be seen as ludicrous, dangerous, and generally heinous in real society. I can beat up old ladies in that game but I don't see an old people alliance going after game. The prostitutes say that showing this violence influences minors to commit violent acts against prostitutes. You know what also does the same thing, society as we tell our tell kids and everyone else that what you do is dirty and one of the lowest possible "jobs" in society. Why don't you protest US culture? The cry against GTA has got to stop. I wish someone would just think of the children and there need for fun and healthy expression of violence against whores, pimps, rival gang leaders and pretty much anyone who gets in there way while on a mission.

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Why the Muslims are mad, and why you should be too

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 10 Februari 2006 0 komentar
If you haven't heard anything about the mass protests and violence spawned by the publication of Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed, check out this Wikipedia Entry. It explains things pretty well. I must admit, when I first heard of this controversy and had not yet seen the cartoons I assumed the masses were up in arms over nothing again, a la the Burger King Sunday cone scandal (see earlier posts for details). Then I actually took a look at the cartoons and felt a little uneasy, but still was not sure how I was taking it. Certainly this cartoons were distasteful to say the least, but while I am Muslim I am also a child of free speech and free thinking (thanks to our free thinking republic which as it turns out isn't as free thinking when you disagree with it). I figured that although the cartoons had obvious political motivations and in the end were actually pretty crappy cartoons, everyone should just settle. That is until I read this article and realized why I should be upset, and why anyone who likes t think that one day we will have a free and unified globe should be as well. I found this article in Slate magazine and realized that this woman was speaking the truth.

It's not simply that the cartoons were published. Its what was in them, they were not just Cartoons of the Prophet speaking or doing some stupid everyday task and complaining about it, the cartoons took the nastiest of stereotypes cast on Muslims and cast it on one of the religions most beloved and important figures. Who in the hell do these Danish cartoonists think they are? Freedom of speech is one thing, being responsible and knowing how to use it is a very different subject. The reason that these cartoons were published is somewhat given away in one of the cartoons and Ms. Aslan points out, but the true reason may never be known. The point is that the results of the publishing are various and mostly foul, causing a lot of death and strife throughout the world. Is this what the cartoonists wanted? If so then they should be locked up for inciting such violence and unrest. I am so glad that the west is quick to jump on countries such as Iran for being outraged and firing back, what a good way to show your interest and support of a better middle east region by not condemning these pieces of trash cartoons for what they are. Publish a cartoon in Iran or Saudi Arabia showing Jesus Christ pimping girls and let's see what the world reaction is. It's not bad enough that we as Americans have to live in a charade of a "free" country dominated by a single religion, but our policies have to reflect that as well. What a crock of shit this administration and general western politics are.

In other un-related (well maybe a little related if we are going on the topic of the crappy administration) George Deutsch, 24 year old presidential appointee to NASA has resigned (login required) because he is a dumbass ideologue that had no place there to begin with. How this guy acted as NASA's public affairs/presidential appointee for so long is one matter, how the President could give such a openly biased man such a non-partisan position is the real question. Is GW even trying to make it look like he is being fair anymore, or does he no longer give a shit what anyone thinks because he now knows he is King of America? My money is on the latter. For more info on George Deutsch great streams of thinking, check out the World O' Crap blog, its actually pretty funny.

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As Promised...

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 07 Februari 2006 0 komentar
Here is the original text from the first version of Beep boppin' and scattin' that I wrote in high school. I wrote this out on my computer, printed out a few copies and distributed them to a few of my close friends. It was actually quite fun until the second issue where I realized I had nothing to talk about besides chicks and tits. All the same, I still find it funny and some of it to still be true, all misspellings and grammatical errors have been left in for authenticity.

Ok I have just checked and it seems that there is a 3rd issue I forgot about. I think I might have tried to restart this in college and failed. So I think I am gonna spread this out among a few entries. En joy episode 1...

An Essay on Life's issues
Adeola Akinola
Issue 1
Over my 17 years of living, I have developed opinions on lots of topics. I have made these opinions known on many occasions, which has landed me in a considerable amount of trouble as most of you know. All the same, I have decided to make most or all of my (as many as I can remember) opinions known. So sit back and have a laugh, I hope you like it.

Adeola on Dribbeez:
Well, this is what most of my discussions are based on. As Freud is to sex, I am to Dribbeez. And hey, what's not to like? They are round, most of the time nicely shaped, objects that give many a guy pleasure. What else can we ask for? All of my years, I have had an affinity for Dribbeez. I have always liked them, and I believe I always will, I have even developed a skill to guess girls Dribbee sizes. It is not hard, but I do pride myself on it. Let's name some of the major players in my mind, and in this discussion. This is not by looks or attitude, keep in mind guys, but by the BDF or PPD (Big Dribbee Factor or Pounds Per Dribbee; two phrases I am sure you guys have forgotten.) Well let's go with first and foremost, and this is the only person ranked because I believe she is thy queen of the Dribbee. Who is it? None other then Simone Lescac (I think that's is the way you spell it).. Anyway, for those of you that don't know, she goes out with that emaciated figure of a guy, Wyatt. If you don't know who she is though, you need to find out. All I can say is "Sweet Fancy Moses". Well, since I don't want to go on of this part of the essay, I will continue, Next, and remember not in any order, is Sabrina Gleitzer. Ishts that will knock in the nose piece if she turns around to fast. Well then there's Kristin Cuccia, Burcu Colpan, Salvina (DE-Dribbee Entertainment), Sylvia Park, and others, that do not come to mind, I am not trying to mention everyone with big Dribbeez, just some that we know of, so whatever. My final thought on Dribbeez is that they are made out of Sugar, Spice, and Everything nice! We should all give respect to the almighty Dribbee.

Adeola On Fine Asses:
Well hand in hand with Dribbeez are fine asses. I write this (or this part of this essay) on the day Kev, Andres, Olesh and I decided to leave a little early, and we happened to be talking about this very subject. Here's the deal. I have never been a huge assman. Sure I look, but I never really paid attention, but I thought it was necessary for the essay, a natural progression if you will. Well as in the last topic, I will mention a couple of heroines of this ass battle. First we have the Asian wonder, the ass the defies physics, well there's two, so I will list both, Scherwing Du, and Diana Ren, both asses are good in their own right, Du's being a bit perky, and Ren's just being good stuff. Then we have Nesli, for as much of a whore as she is, her ass is butter, and speaking of butter's asses, we have the senior white girl Alex, you know the one. What can I say about asses, nothing really, I like them and so do you, 'nuff said.

Adeola on Girls:
Wow, where to start with this topic, girls I believe are not that complex, but then again I could be wrong. Well for this part of the essay it is up for grabs, feel free to write me back, and add things, or argue things if you want, this is what I get though. Girls as aforementioned are not these confusing creatures that we like to make them to be. My take on the whole thing is that guys are not that bright, but girls are not out of our understanding, but guys like to make it seem this way, to substantiate our problems when they do arise from the girl area (which often happens). Girls (or should I say most girls) are simple creatures who just demand respect. They sometimes make unreasonable demands, but the long lost art of compromise, can be used to solve these problems when they come up. And not that girls never try to make guys confused, or even succeed, but here is the great secret, pay attention. Look under the surface of some of the things that they say. I take this topic very seriously, because it is unfair that girls believe they have the higher intellect, it should not be this way, and it is not hard to change. most guys do NOT have a problem with women, but for those of you that do, there it is, use these weapons well my friends.

Adeola On Hairy Armed Mandillas:
Ok, Here's the deal, I don't exactly know what a hairy Mandilla is, but I have used it in the context that it is one hairy beast, like a big foot type of thing, so just think of it that way. Ok, so who are Hairy armed Mandilla's? In Stuy, they are some girls, whether they have big Dribbeez or not is negligible, and whether they are pretty are not is also irrelevant, but the thing is they treat their arm hair, as if it was also was irrelevant to their looks. I am an open minded guy, and I am not asking girls to do much, but what they usually do to themselves, just add something to the upkeep. They shave their underarms to keep themselves looking good, they shave their legs, to keep looking good, now what about those arm pieces!!??! I don't get it, it's not good for business, and not attractive at all, sure I can deal with it, but why should I, or anyone else have to do with it. If you are not noticing well, you should be. It is wrong. I am going to take a stand right here and right now, against Hairy armed Mandilla's and everything they stand for! I implore and encourage you brothers to do the same.

Adeola On Naps:
Ok, one weekend afternoon, you feel a bit sluggish, you have nothing to do, so you decided to take a nap. You figure "I will take an hour nap, and I will wake up fresh and feeling better". Well your happy ass is wrong. Go ahead take that nap, but when you awake, oh, when you awake, refreshed you will not be. You wake up feeling as sluggish as ever, nasty and tired. Why you ask? Well heres the deal with naps the most deceiving things known to man. You go to bed, and you have nothing to do before and after the nap, so your mind figures "Hey, why should I get up? I like being sluggish, and that's the way I’m gonna stay" Your mind knows you have nothing to do after the nap, so why should it get up, Logical is it not? So there it is, the secret of a nap, so take a stand, literally against naps!!

Adeola On Funny Phrases:
Well, as a expert on funny phrases, I have realized by infecting the vocabulary of our little group, that funny phrases are an integral part of the survival of a group of people. How you ask? Well, funny phrases, are not just funny phrases, they usually are code phrases, this is the way we are able to say things and keep people totally excluded, besides, variety is the spice of life. Without phrases like "I dont Give a rat's Culo (Aaron Scott), Sweet Fancy Moses (Adeola Akinola), and Dribbee (Robert Aboulafia), think how boring life would be. So Viva Variety.

Ok, right about here, i am running on empty, this my core essay, right me some more topics, and I will give you an authentic Adeola On: opinion of it, Maybe this can be a little like "Dear Abbey" thing, that would be fun, so here it is, if you got this, then you are cool and blessed, So much for the first issue of beep boppin and Scattin". Good nite everybody.

Pretty good huh!? No? Well f#@k you too...

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New Music For That @SS!

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 02 Februari 2006 0 komentar
Nothing really new to report these days, a few days ago we were all treated to the SOTU (State of the Union) by the POTUS. Apparently he had nothing really new to say aside from telling the Dems that they should go piss off and telling the country that our dependence on foreign oil should be slowed while only offering up to put back in place funding for alternative fuel that he had taken away earlier in his term. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s in the news for those that don’t watch (you really should, it sure is a lot more entertaining than Lost or even, dare I say it, Battlestar Galactica which is widely known as one of the best shows on TV right now. Mad Miners have died in VA in the past few months. I believe the number is ~16 now. Last Year (2004) only 2 miners died. Some would call this a divine act of God punishing us for something or another (Pat Robertson I’m looking at you) but I really don’t know what to make of it. Are the miners being more careless or is it just coincidence for now. Not sure but something should be done. Cindy Sheehan and Beverly Young (wife of Rep. C.W. Bill Young) were both tossed from the House Gallery before the SOTU on Tuesday night. Sheehan was wearing a shirt with the US death toll on it, and Young wore a shirt with a “Support The Troops” slogan on it. Later on the captain of the police that told the two women to leave apologized to both of them for making them and us feel like we live in a police state. There are also several ongoing debates surrounding: The 10th Planet, Boys doing worse than girls academically, what if anything should be done about the newly elected Hamas Government of Palestine (go radical Muslims!) and Iran’s clear intention of building atomic missiles with their atomic enrichment program.

I have recently gotten some new music and would like to share with you some bands that might be interesting:

Artic Monkeys – Whatever People Say I am, That’s What I’m Not:
Leave it to the British to make a much longer title than necessary. Whatever, this music is actually pretty good and in my opinion sounds like what the strokes 3rd album should have been. Check it out.

M.I.A – Arula: I actually have only heard one track on this isht so far, not bad. A little dancehall, a little electro, and some other Hot beats. Besides this is one fine looking Sri Lankan chick.

Kashmir – No Balance Palace: I actually saw a video for this poor man’s RadioHead (even that is a huge stretch) on this guys
50 greatest videos of 2005 site, turns out the rest of this album isn’t bad either.

Annie – Anniemal: Gonna have to give cred to Pinto for this one. I have liked Sophie Ellis Bextor for a long time now and The Cardigans for even longer than that. Annie seems to be able to combine both with that sweet soft Norwegian voice and nice, general and generic electronic beats.

My next post hopefully will be a “Throw Back” as they say to the original beep boppin’ and scattin’, a newsletter I had in Stuyvesant High School that lasted all of two issues because in reality I had nothing to write about. The first issue pretty much covered all the crap that my friends and I talked about on a daily basic like tits and ass (we were in high school, what can I say). The second issue you can see me stretching for stuff and that’s when I realized the dream was dead. Let me know what you think of it if you happen to come across it…

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