Letter to Alice K. or "Sure I Like You but I am Not A Freak"

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 24 Agustus 2006 0 komentar
So my Mom and Dad are moving and selling the family house :^( As part of this effort my Dad has been going through old papers and throwing things out. He says to me when I go home that he has some papers from college he wants me to go through and throw out if I don't need them. I said to him that it was all probably junk and that we should just throw it all out. He says to me "Well here is one piece of paper that will be worth a lot on eBay" and hands me a letter. I'm like "What's this?" As I begin to read it I realize it's a letter I typed up one summer while working for my Dad in his office to this chick Alice in HS that I had a huge crush on. Actually, if your reading this Alice I still think your the bomb, if I lived around you I would certainly try to take you out or something, but alas I am Rochester and you are who knows where. Anyway, it's a funny letter that's not bad for a 16 year old, but I though I would post it (or re-type) it here for your enjoyment. As usuall all spelling and grammar mistakes have been preserved for authenticity.

July 10,1996

Dear Alice,
How is your summer vacation so far. Mine is okay except for the fact that I have to go to summer school and Arabic school everyday. Enough with the formalities. I bet you are thinking about a couple of questions right now. Let me answer the ones that I think that you would be thinking of. Where did I get your address. Do not worry, I am not some kind of stalker who looked up your address in the phone book, somebody mentioned that they had your address and I asked them for it and I though that it might come in handy some time so that I could write you a letter which is what I am doing right now. What is the Purpose of this letter? Weel except for the obvious reasons that I just wanted to say what is up, I never had an actual chance to say something to you. This is really an apology letter in disguise. Apology for what? You may ask yourself, well this is an apology for making Nick (last name left out to protect the innocent) (I am sure you know him) ask you all those questions about if you were single, and if you could go out with a certain person that likes you. It was me that liked you and I just did not have the guts to tell you myself. I heard that for a little while you that I was obssesed with you which is not the truth. Sure I like you but I am not a freak. Maybe it is because I called you so much that you thought I was, but in actuality I just like to talk to you not for any particular reason just because. I have had this on my mind for a long time and I thouight that this letter might not be the appropriate way to say this but I least I am saying it. Sort of. I hope you read this letter in good faith and don't think any less of me for writing it, I realize know that i am just a good or maybenot so good friend but whatever you take me for I can accept it. I you feel like calling me ever my number is at the bottom of this letter. Have fun the rest of your vacation.

Sincerly Yours,

Mojeed Adeola Akinola

Home # (xxx) xxx-xxxx

Nice huh?! Yep the raging emotions of a 16 year old right there. She was hot though obviously since it has been almost 10 years and I still sometimes think about her. All the same, this was like a form letter and it had all this personal crap in it, very funny divergence. Hope you enjoyed my embarassment. Oh, and since my Dad had this I can only assume I never sent this letter, or re-wrote it and sent a better copy (either one would be ok). But I wonder if I ever did mail them.

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Snakes On A Motherf#$%!n Plane!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
That's right, I bought into it*. I went to see SoaP (as it is being referred to on the Interweb these days). And as you will most likely here from anyone else who also sat through it, it actually was not that bad. It was enjoyable (it was like a really long version of "When pets attack" Snake Edition). You might hear a lot of things about this movie. That it really did not do that well despite all the internet hype surrounding it (Opening Weekend gross was $13.8m). That the movie delivers only what it says and nothing else. This is pretty true, the movie ONLY delivers Snakes on a plane which I think was actually the refreshing part, for many action thrillers try to be a lot grander than they really are. Action movies are for action, dramatic movies are for drama. There can be combinations of course, but too many films find themselves trying to be that crossover and really just making fools out of themselves.

This movie does not do that. They give you a basic plot that takes all of 5 minutes to explain. Then they set up the relationships which is about another 10-15 mins, then straight to the Snakes which are freaking ferocious thanks to CGI (If you ever see a snake with horns you are done for is one of the lessons I took from this movie). I liked the lack of complex characters here. You want a simple movie where characters are only supposed to be there for fodder, make them all uninteresting archetypes. The classic yet non-existent buxsome horny beauties that are flight attendants (with the obligatory gay man as one). The music star, the rich bitch, the rude man, woman with baby and horny as fuck couple. Everyone was at the party and it was so perfect. Relationships were built quickly so the movie could really get to the point which were the snakes on the plane. I guess that is why I enjoyed it so much, I went to see snakes and I got snakes. Has Hollywood figured out that instead of window dressing crappy movies, they should just tell you what your going to see and let people make their own decisions? Very doubtful, what's possible was that this movie was so utterly ridiculous that it lent itself to nothing other than the obvious. It is well known that the group behind the movie at one point tried to change the name to "Pacific Air 101" which would have had the movie netting maybe 2 million opening weekend. I wouldn't go see that movie, but snakes on a plane? I would actually watch it again, were it not for all those blood curdling snakes. Also adding to the experience was the lack of people in the theater. Apparently me and this chic and 4 of her friends were the only ones that wanted to see the movie, much less cared that it was there.

*I actually did not pay for the movie. I had some movie coupons that expired after this month that I had to use, but I would have probably seen it anyway.

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9/11: A Graphic Adaptation

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 22 Agustus 2006 0 komentar
When the 9/11 report was released not many people really sat down and read it.  By this time many conclusions had already been brought about by scattered evidence.  It was mostly a formality so that events that took place could be set against a reasonable timeline.  Undoubtedly there was some information in there that people did not know, but we felt that we needed to know all we wanted to know.  Well it's true that a picture is worth a thousand words, when descriptive phrases are added to those words we get something that is not only palatable but clear and concise.  This graphical adaptation of the 9/11 report is just that.  Slate will be posting a chapter a day until the 7th.  Peep it, it's quite good.

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Finally Someone's Made an Easy to Read List

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This much "inaccuracy" and this man is still in office.

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Isn't Imitation The Highest Form of Flattery??

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 18 Agustus 2006 0 komentar

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How Many Geeks Does It Take To Make A Crop Circle?

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 17 Agustus 2006 0 komentar
Apparently 12. As much as I make fun this is pretty cool, but I could think of other things that I would spend 24hrs on other than making a Firefox Crop circle. Then again they are in Oregon.

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Jack Thompson Is A Moron

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Does anyone else think this guy needs to get a new hobby??  He's going after Rockstar...again.

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Bush's Mastery Of The English Language

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 16 Agustus 2006 0 komentar
"America is safer than it has been, yet it is not yet safe,"

Aliens: Take Me To Your Leader

After meeting Bush...

Aliens: Can we see someone else? How about a White House Janitor? Perhaps a groundskeeper?  Anything has got to be better than this guy....

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Countdown Until Some Legislation Is Passed Against MySpace, 3, 2,1...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
NBC5.com - News - Girl Accuses Myspace Acquaintences Of Rape
"It reminds you that you're really not safe anywhere and you have to be careful," said Dana Connelly, who lives near where the alleged assault happened.
It also reminds you of how you should not get horrendously wasted at some random guys house with three other guys. Also how if you wake up and find someone having sex with you forcibly you should probably go into some type of crazy frenzy no matter how drunk you are instead of passing out again, and again. Don't get me wrong, rape is rape and I feel sorry for this poor girl. But let's be honest here and place blame everywhere it should go instead of neglecting certain parties.

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A Muslim Only Line, Really?!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The stupidity continues...

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Ralph Nader's In The House!!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Open Letter to Georgey Boy.

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Great, Now Everyone Knows We're Morons...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Read this and then tell me how advanced of a society we are...

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Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 05 Agustus 2006 0 komentar
The Muddle

This commercial really is great. I liked it so much I had to download the song that goes with it. If I ever go into a club and people are actually doing the mojito I would think I'd died and gone to heaven...mojitos, mo' problems.

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The Dream of The Rocketeer

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 02 Agustus 2006 0 komentar
Skywalker jet packs in development - Engadget

It will never die, not as long as the possibility of individual flight exists or as long as Jennifer Connelly stays beautiful.

In other news apparently it has become illegal (or at least detrimental to your freedom loving health) to take pictures of cops doing their worst (literally).  Beware you camera phone lovers, make sure you don't catch any cops in the background of your shots lest your camera be grabbed and smashed.

Here are a couple of stories on net neutrality.  This honestly has to be one of the most muddled and faux confusing debates in the technological landscape today.  Mostly debates on this type of tech are left up to the people that don't describe the internet as a series of tubes.  Such dumbing down of the topic should tell you that those involved in the discussion shouldn't be.  This is obviously the work of large teleco's trying to confuse the common masses with rhetoric from congressman and lobbyists that have either been fed talking points about nn or are just saying what the money is telling them to say.  It actually is a little infuriating, especially since I believe the likes of Verizon and Time Warner are robber barons out to make extra money now that we are becoming more dependent on their services.  Come to think of it, maybe they are just following the American way of business.

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