Drink Or Die

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 14 September 2007 0 komentar
A London based British Man just invented a small water bottle/filtration system that can filter out among other things fecal matter (poo) and viruses found in dirty water. He says that he hopes it can be used in disasters to help the people affected get quick & easy access to clean drinking water. Sounds awesome except that it costs ~$380.00. Great for this guy, bad for the refugees. You think our dear POTUS would have shelled out the $380/each for millions of bottles considering there are still people affected from that tragedy that have yet not received any financial aid from the Government? If he had, I am sure it would have been a huge disaster where he would have allotted 1 bottle for a family or something. You would probably need to prove you were actually in a family with birth certificates or something, all of which would have washed away in the flood. I know I am making this up but doesn't it read like something "ripped from the headlines?"

In other news Russians have just tested the world's most deadly non-nuclear weapon which works by creating a vacuum in the area of the blast and sucking the atmosphere right into the blast area. Effectively sucking the air out of your lungs until you are dead. All of this without the fall out of a normal nuclear weapon because that could obviously roll back onto your area and kill the people you were trying to protect. Also it fills the area with radiation stopping you from doing any recon or recovery. Awesome, A for caring. Just in case you were wondering, this is known as the "Dad of All Bombs", we in the US are much less safe because we only have the "Mother of All Bombs", weighing in at a mere 21,000 lbs.

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Recording Live From Somewhere...

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 24 Agustus 2007 0 komentar
Hello all that might still be reading this, forgive me for my prolonged absence. I have been in the process of moving locations from the never changing Rochester scene to the sort of cool Cambridge, MA scene. I accepted a wonderful job in Gloucester, MA which is about 45 mins from Cambridge and right next to where that movie "The Covenant" supposedly took place (yes I saw it and thought it was ok). As many of you know I was unemployed for a pretty long time and was happy not only to find employment, but to find it doing a job heavy in the tech field. I work for Varian Semiconductor, trust me I don't know what they do either but I do know I have a fair amount of responsibility and it is a welcome change from the end of days at Kodak where going into work was actually less productive then staying at home.

This is the first time I have been in a different stay as a resident so it has been a pretty interesting experience. Because of my history with NYC taking on this town is not really all that difficult, but it is a welcome change from the humdrum of Rochester, NY. Don't get me wrong, I think anyone who has read this in the past knows that I love Rochester, and probably always will but it truly tricks you into thinking of it as a small city when in actuality it is a medium sized town (don't know the difference? then go to Rochester). I have not started playing Rugby again as I am really just trying to get used to this place, my new apartment and of course my new job which now takes up significantly more of the day than the previous one did. This will actually be my first weekend in my apartment (it's a studio which is awesome, most of you know all I did when I lived with others was stay in my room anyway). I had an immense amount of traveling going on for various social functions (Congrats to my sis & Stephen and Lis & Moose)

I actually just became a Massachusetts resident by switching over my license, registration and insurance for my car. It certainly is weird to see another states license plate on my ride. I welcome this change though, I always said when I went to RIT that I would not stay in Rochester forever, and this was long before I even had a job or an opportunity to stay there for longer than my college years. I am glad to see that I stuck to my word, especially since Rochester could be compared to a tar pit in it's ability to make you stay there (cheap cost of living really does go a long way). While my rent has skyrocketed, other things here are pretty comparable in price so I can't really complain. Initially I thought the prices of goods and services would be closer to the NYC scale, turns out it is somewhere in the middle of NYC and Rochester, except for rent which is astronomical. I have a few friends here which is making the transition pretty cool. My buddy JP lives a few minutes away. Funny that we ended up living in the same place after going to the same college. I also know a few heads from NYC that are now here as well as some connects through the NYC crew to people in what I guess is the Boston Crew (there is no sweet ass acronym for us, which sux).

All the same I just wanted to bring the blog up to date and also test whether the haters in my IT dept had blocked this site along with my aol mail. Glad to see that they did not so expect more posts to follow (I don't have to post at work, but it is an awesome way to take a break from work while still being able to sit at my desk). I will leave you all with a little article I found a few weeks ago but never posted (unless I did post in which case read it again because it's mad funny, even if you are a hipster).

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The Word on The Streets!

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 27 Juni 2007 0 komentar

A vertical mouse? A Fiber optic table cloth (BALLIN' SON!) Indiana Jones 4? I actually thought he would look terrible, turns out Harrison Ford is timeless like the character...

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Mad Hot Weather Woman, Of Course She's Spanish...

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 19 Juni 2007 0 komentar

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Posted by Unknown Senin, 18 Juni 2007 0 komentar
Recently in China a huge fossil was uncovered which is believed to belong to a a huge dino bird that towered over other feathered dinosaurs of the time. I can't imagine the fear that this freakish thing inspired, then again we know that dinosaurs did not exist anyway since there is no mention of them in the Bible...

News for some of those in states where cell phone use while driving is illegal, a new company aims to help The Man crackdown on cell phone using drivers. The device purports to be able to detect a car where the cell phone is in use for a call allowing cops to just use it like a radar gun and give out tickets even if they don't see the person in the car using the phone. This is so wrong its not even funny. Here is a comment that pretty much sums it up, from the web page.

What does it mean to attach a "paint gun mark" to a car? That sounds vaguely like "shooting a car with a paint gun." That's remarkably unsafe for a device that's supposed to save lives. Can it successfully detect if the user has his window rolled down or his convertible top down? Will it miss pedestrians? Damage the car?

And what makes you think that an "EMP gun" can properly localize its effect to disable only the cell phone while leaving the vital elecronic components of the car intact? Not to mention that an EMP pulse doesn't temporarily disable the phone, it destroys its circuitry. No more phone. Have they done any studies to see if a badly timed EMP makes the battery catch fire in the users hand?

And hey, what about the users complying with hands-free laws? They must get their phones fried too, since I'm fairly sure there's no way to distinguish between the two modes of operation aside from, yep, you guessed it, looking at the user.

This is about 17 terrible, halfway thought out ideas. Either April Fools day came late this year or this is a company that really likes the concept of bankruptcy.

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Elvira hawking Software?!

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 16 Juni 2007 0 komentar

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The Day Hipsters Stole My Buddy

Posted by Unknown Senin, 11 Juni 2007 0 komentar

Oh where, oh where has my friend Pinto gone.?Oh where, oh where could he be? That was some fucked up shit Pinto. Or actually, the situation was handled really badly. Next time you want to change plans on someone, maybe you should just call them and try and explain it to them instead of getting drunk and telling them they are shit out of luck.

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Never Trust Robots...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Don't take them along on trips, they might poison your bag of chips. Check out the stories on the Chair Robot and the Bear Robot. Can you imagine seeing this thing coming towards you on the battlefield after you have been shot? I would probably pop my cyanide pill or whatever they are giving the soldiers these days to avoid torture and questioning.

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Salty and Doughnuts

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 07 Juni 2007 0 komentar

Look how fun rookie day CAN be...it's not all hospital beds ands blue faced kids...

Two words that are supposed to be the ultimate defense if any trouble were ever to befall the Rochester Institute of Technology's rugby team.

Officer: ...And who supplied the alcohol?
Rugby Team Member: Two other players, their names were Salty and Doughnuts, I don't know their real names.
Officer: You don't know their real names?
RTM: Yes. Everyone on the rugby team is given a nickname (true) and we call each other by those names. I know these two only as Salty and Doughnuts.

It worked in the past and when this pathetic ban is lifted the ultimate pseudonyms will return. Long Live SALTY & DOUGHNUTS!

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More Free Music

Posted by Unknown Senin, 04 Juni 2007 0 komentar

Bringing you yet another sweet free album, the people over at Williams Street have teamed up with eSurance for the release of "Warm & Scratchy". The album takes a departure from the usual hip hop/beat driven tracks and delivers some indie bands including Tv On The Radio and Asobi Seksu, two of my favorite bands. Peep it Adultswim.com and thank God that you know me.

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What's Hot In The Tech Spot

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
First on the plate today is news of the Apple's offering of new "+" songs that come free of DRM and at a higher quality than the previous tracks from the itunes music store, but at a $0.30 increase in price. Videos that are DRM free will still be $2.00. The new tracks run at a 26Kbps rate while the old tracks were 128 Kbps. Although I congratulate Apple for trying come up with viable solution to the strong hand of the RIAA attempting to control how we interact with the information we are paying for, I still think that it's not enough. An article here does a double blind study as to whether you can even here the difference between 128 and 256 (and they even test the default Apple earbuds against a higher quality after market set to see if that makes any difference). Personally I think being able to burn a CD of your bought tracks which can then be ripped back onto your comp as a DRM-less copy ruins any hope of this really working. What companies need to do is make it so easy and cheap to get music that you can freely share that it's worth it to pony up the cash instead of jumping through digital hoops to make copies and share with friends. Think eMusic. I think the Microsoft Zune had a great idea with their wi-fi music share capability. But like many things that they do, the implementation was so terrible that it actually became a con of the player itself. In a somewhat related article, The Consumerist points out 50 politicians who took contributions from the RIAA. Shame on you.

Next up, close up your shades peeps because a little privacy issue from none other than Google could have the entire internet seeing what kind of cereal you like to eat. The company that promised to "do no evil" has added a new feature to it's popular maps app called "Street View" that will give you a ground level view of the street. It's currently only for certain locations but it's enough to get people worrying about the privacy of their homes. A woman who claims her cat can be seen in one of the photos has requested that Google remove the picture from the street-level database. I actually can understand peoples concerns here if this was a naked lady or at least some girls sunbathing, but your cat? Really? The first person that is going to make a stink about this is a chick afraid for the privacy of her cat? This is why when you raise privacy concerns about something valid you might get laughed at by not only the people pushing the products but your own peers as well.

Apparently the new thing in questioning social norms and pop culture is breaking them down into equations using a bevy of variables. First the Voice did it with the infamous "This is Why I'm Hot"track. Now I have found a serious piece of reading concerning the game of leaving the toilet seat down or up. This won't apply to most of us since we are swinging bachelors, but for some that have been subjected to the irritation of living with the opposite sex, this might prove useful or funny or neither.

Now for some Sad news. It seems that after a statement then a counter statement then a final statement, the series Battlestar Galactica will be ending after their fourth season. Contrary to the title of the article it seems that the shows creators are the initiators of the curtain call on the immensely popular albeit looked over series. Apparently the show, unlike other sci-fi series, had a beginning, middle and end envisioned although exactly how long each would be was not known. As a fan of the show I can say that it was one of the best sci-fi series I have watched including every incarnation of Star Trek. I feel that if it wasn't linked in people minds to the hoaky show of the 70's and attached to a network that a large segment of viewers do not tune into it did not get the praise it really deserved. I guess there is alway syndication.

You know we bitch so much about privacy in the states that we rarely look at how other westernized civilizations are handling privacy in this new world of technology and terror. Maybe they have some advice to offer? Or maybe they have got it all wrong. One need only to look to the UK of what it means not to bitch everytime the government introduces a new way of "keeping you safe". In response to the obscene gestures taken by the UK government a new film called "Taking Liberties" will be airing in theatres in various cities within the UK this weekend. I can only hope that this makes it to the States so that more people will be wary when new measures are introduced that are supposedly meant to "keep the terrorists from attacking" by somehow tracking all the inquiries you make on these here internets.

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The Cansecos? As in Jose?

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 01 Juni 2007 0 komentar

No Vivek, as in The Cansecos, a band. Here's the song I found, for free on eMusic I might add, that forced me to download the rest of the album.

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Now, Where did I put my bell-bottoms?

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 25 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Also known as euro dance or just 80's dance to me, I stumbled onto this genre recently through a chick that is notably not Italian. Sally Shapiro does not look anything like you might guess from her airy, spacey vocals which no doubt adds to her image as a self professed "shy" girl. Italo disco purists would say that I simply found some more Euro dance music, but since the genre was actually described in the review of Sally Shapiro's album as "Italo Disco" I would beg to differ. I have always been a huge fan of dance and house music, so this brand of Euro disco is some of the best shit I have run into recently. I think I am going to have to buy some shiny shirts and maybe a gold chain to successfully rock this the right way. Take a listen to some of Ms. Shapiro's work, it's wonderfully cheesy.

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Posted by Unknown Rabu, 23 Mei 2007 0 komentar

Bjork's new album is actually quite good. After Medulla's vocal experimentation I thought she was leaving her awesome and unpredictable beats behind. Glad to say that they are back, in full force. If u want to peep the album it's here.

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Japanese Emoticons

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 22 Mei 2007 0 komentar
(?_?), (o_o), W(^o^)W

Check out what I'm emoting above right here.

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Please Read This Book...

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

cause it's the freakiest thing I have ever read. You really can't make this stuff up...

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Posted by Unknown Senin, 14 Mei 2007 0 komentar

You know enough people don't give Adult Swim (the name given to the segment of cartoons that plays from 10:30pm to 2am every night on cartoon network) enough credit for all the shit that they produce. They have given us Three full length albums as well as a pretty hot EP. They have thrown hip hop shows and have solidified their presence in pop culture, all starting from the humble beginnings of a Sunday night block of cartoons that were considered too much for the kiddies. Now the good people at Adult Swim have brought some serious shit to the gaming table, the flash gaming table that is. Introducing Bible Fight, a flash game that will solve all the questions I am sure most of you have about figures in the Bible. Who would win in a fight between Jesus and Satan? Eve and Noah? Moses vs Mary...and Baby Jesus? Please check this out and if you don't think it's the best thing ever never talk to me again...heathens.

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My Next Hot Purchase

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 08 Mei 2007 0 komentar
Can anyone say graphics tablet? Well if you ever felt like dabbling with one, but did not want to spend the money on one and you love gadgets this is for you. Actually it's for me. Peep the website for the details on the Laptop Tablet.

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Kate Wax

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 01 Mei 2007 0 komentar

I gotta give DJ P. Minto credit for re-introducing me to one of the lesser listened to styles of electronica known as Minimal Techno. Mostly sounding like something that blasts out of cars driven by eastern Europeans, the bass lines along with all other sounds are pretty simple with even a simple arrangement. This makes for a pretty relaxing electronic experience that may inspire some lax dancing or just a head bob. Scrolling through eMusic the other day I found Kate Wax, a half tibetan/half european tekno diva. Well maybe not that, but you can judge for yourself. Check out You Can Break My Bones, tell me what you think.

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Baron Vista Vs. Count OS X

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

A funny special on CNet has some idiots carrying out the debate of Vista Vs. OS X in real life via a facsimile of a Shakespearean play. While I do think this is funny and of course stupid I have been giving Vista no credit for being a good operating system, then again I don't OS X is that fantastic either. According to this little play however, the beautiful GUI of OS X has found an opponent in Vista. I wonder if it too late to upgrade my laptop?

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Chicken Lips

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 29 April 2007 0 komentar

White Dwarf by Chicken Lips...make it your ringtone

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Kryptonite found in coal mine, Lex Luther Furious

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 26 April 2007 0 komentar

It doesn't glow green or come out in hot shiny crystals. But kryptonite, known more fondly by nerds as "sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide" was discovered in a Serbian mine. First person to find Green Lantern's ring becomes ruler of the world, GO!

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What's Hot Right Now...

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 25 April 2007 0 komentar

Post "New Music Tuesday" (if anyone receives music emails from Apple you will know what I'm talking about) I was inspired to update my music collection and look up my favorite artists to see who had come out with some hot new shit. Both Bjork and Maroon 5 are dropping some hot titles next month, I saw Bjork on SNL this weekend and I am looking forward to some good ol' fashion Bjork, whatever that is. The Arctic Monkeys have a new one for you lovers of the British rock/pop scene. Bebel Gilberto is out with a new one called Momento, for those of you looking for something ground breaking you won't find it here. You will find some vintage Bebel so if you liked the other stuff then you'll like this too. Via my Emusic membership I also am forced to look for new music every month which is great for an audiophile like me. I ran into a band called Field Music which is really like an updated version of XTC (Making Plans for Nigel). Pretty good for some kitchy background music. Doing a little research I also found out that Diplo has another mix that he did called Fabriclive 24: Diplo, not many people can mix Aphex Twin and Ludacris. At least not like he can.

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Tech in Nigeria...Not just 419 Emails

Posted by Unknown Senin, 23 April 2007 0 komentar
Finally my motherland will be known for other things than trying to scam naive people from other countries out of their money. Elections were held on Saturday and they were monitored by volunteers using SMS (Short message system) messages to monitor voting locations and make sure there was no untoward actions taking place. Kudos Nigeria, I like where this is going. Take a look at the article for more information. Also good luck to President Obasanjo in his upcoming school year. The president who never finished college will be going back to school at the tender age of 70. Looks like everything is coming up Nigeria.

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Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 21 April 2007 0 komentar

Beautiful day for rugby!

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Posted by Unknown Kamis, 19 April 2007 0 komentar
...too much time on their hands? These students at UCSC who created the first level of Donkey Kong with 3"x3" post-its in one of the campus buildings. As cool as this was, all these kids should have their rooms checked for rifles or interviewed to rule out some type of homicidal behavior. Anyone who puts this much energy into such a pointless task might be disturbed. It's like maintaining a blog that no one reads, very suspicious.

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Black Actors

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 18 April 2007 0 komentar

The Black Actors guild was put to the test recently, glad to say that this picture still is a fair representation of our relationship...on the really really really really really real real real tip, I think bitches straight worked against us this time.

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Posted by Unknown Kamis, 12 April 2007 0 komentar

If this picture doesn't scream ''saturday night live sketch'' i don't know what does.

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Rainbow Traceurs!!!

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 10 April 2007 0 komentar

Finally, at long last the wait is over. The trailer for the hot new video "Le Parkour" is available for public viewing. This video is the results of the collab between Matt Pinto and Paul Bomba. With this trailer we can only assume that the full length feature will be nothing short of amazing. Booosh!

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Times are tough when you gotta pawn your Ferrari in brooklyn...

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Posted by Unknown Senin, 09 April 2007 0 komentar

New Years eve was a crazy time, but for Henrik & Sam it was status quo...

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Don't Break The Bottle!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

I just picked this up doing some thrift shopping. I looked at the box and thought "I must have this". The test run was my roommate and I am proud to say that it was a huge success. It took about 5 minutes before he had royally screwed it up and another 5 for us to fix it and get the lock off. A key quote from one of the websites that I was looking at:

"Not to be given to wine addicts if you value your life. This frustrating puzzle will leave the wine unopened unless they can work out the secret..."

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Herbert @ the outlet malls attemting to recapture a childhood he never had...

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Digital "Kick Me" Sign

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
In "The Darker Side Of Craig's List" today we look at a woman in Tacoma who had some property she was renting out recently fall victim to a nasty craig's list scam. This is actually a funny ass story. I guess people do look on Craig's List for everything including kitchen sinks and light fixtures that you rip out of the wall itself. Watch yourself kiddies, piss off the wrong person and you might get punked as well.

Also please check out this sweet op-ed from the New York times from a pair of record store owners. We all know that the RIAA is evil and a little retarded, but at least these guys are admitting it as well. "Video Killed the Radio Star", more like "The Industry Killed the Radio Star".

The aforementioned title is Copyrighted, patent pending and all that jazz. Creative commons, whatever.

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Also this...

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 06 April 2007 0 komentar
I just needed to post this, from Vice magazine:

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Me as a Big O! Robot

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

I was messing with my buddies new Mac book and playing with his embedded camera and made this photo. I like it cause it makes me look like I can shoot laser beams out my arms or eyes. What would my robot name be?

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Miami Wysse, Number 1 New Show!

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 29 Maret 2007 0 komentar
This is seriously the hottest song and video I have heard and seen in a while. I got turned onto this song because of a remake by FPU, turns out Jan Hammer is a pretty sweet composer when it comes to 1980's synth and drumpads. Peep it, Crockett's Theme...the Video.

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Home Movies

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 28 Maret 2007 0 komentar
Hey All,
I am droppin some hot new home movies to go along with the Gatti gets licked movie. Peep it, the teammates playing GH. Check out how high the guitar on the guy not dancing is. What decade is this anyway? Oddly enough the song is quite fitting for the height of the guitar...

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Ruh Roh

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 22 Maret 2007 0 komentar
Apparently I had it all wrong about the Falcon 1 rocket. It actually did launch at around 9:10pm, but the webcast had been turned off about 5 minutes into flight (or so I read). The rocket failed to hit earth orbit due to some roll control problems in the 2nd stage so it actually just arced back into normal earth atmosphere. Oh well, at least it made it off the ground.

In another story we read how crappy DRM from music production companies forced a normal law abiding citizen to turn to music piracy. Kudos and welcome to the fold.

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Posted by Unknown Selasa, 20 Maret 2007 0 komentar

For a fourth time today the new Falcon 1 rocket from SpaceX has failed to launch. The falcon 1 is set to replace Nasa's now retiring rocket and is to aid in lowering cost and raising reliability of rocket flight. Again I bring up the point I have made in the past about the 1st moon landing. From what I have been gathering over the past few years regarding space flight, it is a fairly rigorous and dangerous process...now...in the year 2007. Predictions from the time of the supposed 1st space walk had us flying around in cars and using robots as bank tellers by now. Hard to imagine that we are having such a hard time getting back to the moon when it was already done so long ago, allegedly. Anyway, there was a webcast of the event which allowed me to actually hear them say the words "we have an abort!" and the curses of the launch staff thereafter. Actually it was a little depressing now that I think about. Sucks to be SpaceX right now.

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Welcome Back

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Yes hipsters you are reading correctly. Commodore, one of the pioneers of video gaming has returned to the scene and their phasers are set to frag as they attempt to unseat Alienware and any other pc manufacturer that dares to compete in the high end gaming machine market. I really have no idea how good these computers really are but I do know that one of them is running a quad core processor and two hefty video cards in tandem (whoa!). I just hope some Matthew Broderick wannabe gets a hold of one and starts world war 3 with it. Also that little handy dandy gadget is commodores offering in the PMP (Personal media player) market. Little and cute, I believe it has wifi and a camera. Move over iPod? Maybe, the only thing I can see unseating the little ubiquitous white (or black, I don't see in colors anyway) box is one that has all the young and old hipsters wanting a name that represents nostalgia but displays cutting edge technology.

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I'm Back!

Posted by Unknown Senin, 19 Maret 2007 0 komentar
Forgive me father for I have sinned. It has been too long since my last post and I feel as if I have some catching up to do. To fill all the excited readers in, I am still unemployed but am closing in on a position that will have me leaving the comfortable nest of Rocha and going to another place that I am sure will be more expensive. I am currently in NYC right now, but will be heading back to the Roc shortly where I will stay until next weekend. Then a return trip to NYC for a Rugby tourney and possibly to find a new place to live. I will add more when I return to the Roc, just wanted to do a quick post to let all those know that doubted me that I have returned...

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