Funny Web Clips

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008 0 komentar
I just read this leaked memo from Bill Gates that chews out Microsoft design and programming staff for Windows XP usability issues. It probably is one of the funniest and sad letters I have read from someone dissatisfied with their XP operating experience.

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I was part of the 8 Million...

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 20 Juni 2008 0 komentar

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I Love Duct Tape!

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 18 Juni 2008 0 komentar

Above: Apollo 17 moonbuggy fender repaired with duct tape.

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This Week in WTF...

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 17 Juni 2008 0 komentar

A few weeks ago I posted a story about an awesome Rich Man's Toy. It was the R2D2 projector (with millennium falcon remote control). Seems this Japanese company has turned that relatively new product into a server monitoring system, as the easy to understand picture demonstrates...

Also Firefox 3 comes out in 30 minutes (yes I pledged to download it for the world record). For anyone that has cursed at this lovely browser for eating system memory, then get ready to be amazed...what's amazing is how dope that tank is on this buxom blond bombshell. Chicas take note. If you want to meet a geek at a bar, wear this shirt and see who comes up to talk to you.

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This is Not a Joke

Posted by Unknown Senin, 16 Juni 2008 0 komentar

Although Steve Irwin has passed on, it's nice to see that his daughter is picking up the mantle as the world's most zany Australian...funny that she picked Amateur rapping though.

P.S. - Are those gang signs she is throwing up?

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McHammer Time!

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 12 Juni 2008 0 komentar
If you are not watching AOTS (Attack of The Show) you are NOT in the know. Olivia Munn, one of the hosts, mistakenly called MC Hammer McHammer (as in Mick Hammer) on the show last year. Most shows would have left it at laughing at her for a few days. This show, however took it to the next level. If you consider yourself "up on shit" then you better be tuning in, and here is one classic reason why:

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Just In Case...

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 11 Juni 2008 0 komentar
you haven't seen this yet...

The's for the kids.

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The New 3G iPhone

Posted by Unknown Senin, 09 Juni 2008 0 komentar

Cost: $199/8gb; $299/16gb
Native GPS Support (Using Google Maps)
Third Party Application Support


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Slate Story on OLPC type Programs

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 05 Juni 2008 0 komentar
Here is the Story...

and here is my reply/post to the Author:

Implicit Value

by makinola

agree with the main point in this story, that parental involvement is
definitely necessary to help push kids in the right direction when
using new technology. This is true for pretty much anything kids can
get their hands on. No matter what the device or tool is kids will
abuse it for their own enjoyment. Sometimes that abuse is beneficial
and sometimes it hurts them as is the case with computers. However the
Romanian study, like many other studies, cannot give you a complete
picture of the benefits that having a computer bestows upon the user.

was 12 when my Dad bought us out first computer, a 486 with 8mb of RAM.
Before that time I was using a word processor for writing reports. The
new computer didn't give me anything new in the way of academics. The
internet was just beginning, and writing reports was exactly the same,
although now I had a fancy laser printer instead of the Dot matrix
style printing of a word processor. I primarily used my computer for
games, and AOL connectivity when I finally got my 14.4 modem. I may
have even had the same stats that these Romanian kids had with their
computer in terms of less time watching tv and doing homework but what
the computer did give me was familiarity with the technology and a no
fear attitude when it came to discovering all that this new technology
had to offer. I learned about file formats and programs to run them by
looking at lo-res partially nude pictures of entertainment stars that I
received from a friend on a 3.5" floppy. I learned about hardware
architecture when my computer crapped out because of a busted power
supply. I familiarized myself with DOS and software installation as I
made the jump from Windows 3.1 to 95, and I learned about web pages
from the horrendous web page builder on AOL...version 3.0.

are all things that are not measured in a survey but which all
contributed to my semi-expertise with computers today, 15 years later.
The point is there are benefits that can't be readily measured by a
survey, parents, or even the kids that are using the devices that may
pop up years from now. Because a kid is playing solitaire and sharing
.mp3's on a LAN network and not writing the introduction to his
Master's thesis does not mean that the computer is being totally
misused. Also, who had the bright idea to ask children if using this
computer made them more open to going to college? What kind of answer
do you expect to receive from a kid who just found and loves

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Is That A Wii?

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 04 Juni 2008 0 komentar

No, it's Asus' new Eee Desktop Box. Someone should tell these guys to stop being so dope or I think I might go broke, or broker...

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Posted by Unknown Selasa, 03 Juni 2008 0 komentar
Just Goosh it? Really?? Interesting...

Finally RIT has made it to Slashdot, although not on a mechanical engineering marvel, but an astronomical one...

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (China)...and we are having the Olympics there.

If you had Dish or Satellite in the late 90's or knew someone who did then this story will be familiar and interesting to you. (Monsieur Scott I am looking at you). The thing I really want to know is what semiconductor company this guy worked for? Could it have been mine???

And last but not least, Prince and his DMCA antics. He is not only an ass but doesn't know his copyright info as well. "I Would Die for You" is no longer one of my favorite anthems.

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