Amazing Bizarre Births Stories

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 30 September 2011 0 komentar
Most bizarre births among the human kingdom. You won’t find any stories of children born with congenital physical anomalies (although if you want to share some).

The Great Stork Derby

Charles Vance Miller had an ordinary birth and never had children of his own but he certainly deserves a spot in a list of bizarre birth stories. By the time of his death in 1926, the Canadian lawyer amassed a large fortune but had no one to leave it to. He was a strange fellow whose puckish attitude was reflected in his will. Among his many oddball bequests was that his Jamaican vacation home be given to three lawyers who absolutely hated each other. When the last lawyer died, the house would be sold and the money given to Toronto’s poor. The will also stated that any unstipulated money was to be given to the mother who gives birth to the highest number of legitimate children within the ten years after his death. The event became known as the Great Stork Derby and by the end of the ten year period, six moms split the fortune: $125,000 each to four women who gave birth to nine children apiece and $12,500 to two women, one of whom had two stillbirths and the other who had children with someone who was not her husband. The prizes may not seem like much now but each was a fortune given the Depression of the early 30s. Happily, all of the families used their money wisely with the children’s education being the top priority.

A Country’s Quints

Their names are Annette, Cecile, Emilie, Marie and Yvonne but they are better known as the Dionne Quints. They are the only recorded set of identical quintuplets and one of the very few sets of naturally-conceived high multiples to survive infancy. In May 28, 1934, the Dionne Quints were born to the impoverished Elzire and Oliva Dionne of Canada. When the quints were nine months old, they were taken from their parents and became wards of the state to live in an estate that became known as Quintland. There, they lived a rigid schedule consisting of either medical testing or structured playtime outdoors in the observatory field where tourists could watch them without interacting with the children. In fact, they had very little contact with people aside from the nurses and house staff. When they were nine years old, their parents won back custody of the children but they continued the girls’ “fish-bowl” existence with various engagements, photo-ops, tourist attractions, etc. to turn a profit from the publicity. The sisters claimed they never saw any of the purported millions of dollars made by the government and their parents from this bizarre upbringing. With their privacy severely abused and their childhood traumatized, the Dionne Quints severed ties with the rest of their family and the three surviving sisters currently share a modest house and an intensely private life in Montreal.

Born in a Tree

Carolina Chirindza gave birth to her baby Rositha in a tree. In 2000, Chirindza’s home in Mozambique was overcome by rapidly-moving high floodwaters so she climbed up a tree to avoid the crocodile-infested waters. For four days without food or water, she waited for rescue. Baby Rositha was born on the fourth day and fortunately, a South African military helicopter rescued them shortly thereafter. There is also a tree birth story from Papua New Guinea. The pregnant Nolan Yekum and her husband were hung from a tree after being accused of witchcraft. She gave birth mere moments before she and her husband freed themselves from their nooses and went into hiding. Eventually both tree babies and moms were admitted into the hospital and given a good bill of health.

Toilet Baby

There’s an alarming amount of stories to be found of babies born near or even in the toilet but Bhuri Kalbi’s daughter has the distinction of being born while mom was on a toilet of an Indian train. Kalbi was only seven months pregnant when she rode this particular train so she hadn’t anticipated the outcome of her trip to the bathroom. She felt like she needed to use the toilet but what actually happened was a Precipitous Birth, or a quick birth commonly associated with pregnancy complications. Toilets on Indian trains are chutes that empty directly onto the tracks so after the precipitous birth, Kalbi’s baby fell through the hole and onto the tracks as the train was in motion. After receiving the alert, staff at a nearby station found the baby girl still alive on the tracks.

Biggest Babies

The record for birthing the world’s heaviest (surviving) newborn belongs to Sig. Carmelina Fedele of Aversa, Italy. In September 1955, she gave birth to a baby boy who weighed 22 lb 8 oz (10.2 kg) but not much else is known about the boy. Second place belongs to a boy born in September 2009 weighing 19 lb 3 oz (8.7 kg). The name of the child wasn’t released but what is known is that he was born to an Indonesian woman with a history of diabetes. Due to insulin problems, diabetic women tend to have larger than average babies. Her three previous children were also heavier-than-average kids but this little boy was significantly larger!

Tiniest Babies

James Elgin Gil was born May 20, 1987 in Ottawa, Canada and is the world’s youngest surviving premature baby. He was born 21 weeks and 5 days into gestation (more than 18 weeks too early). To understand the gravity of the situation, one should know that the survival rates for premature babies born at 22 weeks is less than 10%. Many hospitals will refuse to give medical attention to babies born before the 22 week mark. This baby lucked out by weighing a “hefty” 1.1lbs (482 g) at birth, which increased his chances of survival. The title for tiniest single baby goes to Amillia Sonja Taylor of Florida, USA (above). She was born at 21 weeks and 6 days but weighed only 10 ounces (283 g). Remarkably, the hospitals where both of them were born decided to bring the babies to intensive care and they are now both healthy and doing fine.

Youngest Mother

Lina Medina of Peru holds the record as the world’s youngest mother when she gave birth to her son on May 14, 1939. Lina was only five years old at the time. Her son, Gerardo, spent his childhood believing his grandmother was his mother and his true mother was his older sister. He died at the age of 40 from bone marrow disease but there was no indication that his unusual birth had anything to do with his problem. Although studies about the pair are hard to find, what is known is that both mother and son were both healthy and suffered no visible affects of such a bizarre birth. Lina married in 1972 and gave birth to her second child that same year – 33 years after Gerardo had been born. To this day, Gerardo’s biological father is unknown and Lina refuses to disclose that information.

Oldest Mother

In 2008 and at the age of 70, Rajo Devi became the oldest woman to give birth. She and her husband had unsuccessfully tried to conceive all throughout their 50 years of marriage and thought it was impossible after she went through menopause in her late 50s. However, after entering a fertility program at an in-vitro clinic, Devi was successfully impregnated by a donor egg that was fertilized with the sperm of her 72 year old husband. On December 6th, she gave birth to a baby girl and both mother and daughter are healthy. Latest reports claim that the happy septuagenarians are attempting IVF again in hopes of having a baby boy.

Different Colored Twins

The chances of a mixed-race couple having twins who look as if they are different races are a million to one but there are occasional stories that pop up about them, like Kian & Remee Hodgson (above) and Ryan & Leo Gerth. A British couple has become even more of an exception by having TWO sets of twins who look remarkably different. Miya and Leah Durrant were born in December 2008 and their older sisters Hayleigh and Lauren were born seven years earlier. Miya has the black hair and dark complexion of her father Dean Durrant and older sister Hayleigh while Leah has blue eyes and paler skin just like mom Alison Spooner and older sister Lauren.

Twins with different fathers

Mia Washington had twin boys but her husband is the biological father of only one. Washington had an usual case of birthing fraternal twins with two separate fathers. This story has become more common because of occasional in-vitro treatment tales of lab error in which a few eggs were contaminated with the wrong sperm, however, Washington’s story unfolds much more naturally. She first became pregnant when having a little fun with either her husband or lover. Very soon afterwards, she met up with the other man and a second egg was released and fertilized. This is a medical rarity known as heteropaternal superfecundation and only a handful of cases have ever been documented. When the two babies were born and one looked nothing like the father, the truth was discovered. Mr. Washington adopted Mia’s other son and took the fatherly role for both children.

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Amazing Photos and Drawings

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 29 September 2011 0 komentar
Ben Heine crafts unique works of art by combining colorful photos with detailed sketches.

Source: Yahoo

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The World's Most Powerful Blogs

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 28 September 2011 0 komentar
Blogging can help elect presidents and take down attorney generals while simultaneously celebrating the minutiae of our everyday obsessions. Blogging has never been bigger.

The Huffington Post

The history of political blogging might usefully be divided into the periods pre- and post-Huffington. Before the millionaire socialite Arianna Huffington decided to get in on the act, bloggers operated in a spirit of underdog solidarity. They hated the mainstream media - and the feeling was mutual.

Bloggers saw themselves as gadflies, pricking the arrogance of established elites from their home computers, in their pyjamas, late into the night. So when, in 2005, Huffington decided to mobilise her fortune and media connections to create, from scratch, a flagship liberal blog she was roundly derided. Who, spluttered the original bloggerati, did she think she was?

But the pyjama purists were confounded. Arianna's money talked just as loudly online as off, and the Huffington Post quickly became one of the most influential and popular journals on the web. It recruited professional columnists and celebrity bloggers. It hoovered up traffic. Its launch was a landmark moment in the evolution of the web because it showed that many of the old rules still applied to the new medium: a bit of marketing savvy and deep pockets could go just as far as geek credibility, and get there faster.

To borrow the gold-rush simile beloved of web pioneers, Huffington's success made the first generation of bloggers look like two-bit prospectors panning for nuggets in shallow creeks before the big mining operations moved in. In the era pre-Huffington, big media companies ignored the web, or feared it; post-Huffington they started to treat it as just another marketplace, open to exploitation. Three years on, Rupert Murdoch owns MySpace, while newbie amateur bloggers have to gather traffic crumbs from under the table of the big-time publishers.

Boing Boing

Lego reconstructions of pop videos and cakes baked in the shape of iPods are not generally considered relevant to serious political debate. But even the most earnest bloggers will often take time out of their busy schedule to pass on some titbit of mildly entertaining geek ephemera. No one has done more to promote pointless, yet strangely cool, time-wasting stuff on the net than the editors of Boing Boing (subtitle: A Directory of Wonderful Things). It launched in January 2000 and has had an immeasurable influence on the style and idiom of blogging. But hidden among the pictures of steam-powered CD players and Darth Vader tea towels there is a steely, ultra-liberal political agenda: championing the web as a global medium free of state and corporate control.

Boing Boing chronicles cases where despotic regimes have silenced or imprisoned bloggers. It helped channel blogger scorn on to Yahoo and Google when they kowtowed to China's censors in order to win investment opportunities. It was instrumental in exposing the creeping erosion of civil liberties in the US under post-9/11 'Homeland Security' legislation. And it routinely ridicules attempts by the music and film industries to persecute small-time file sharers and bedroom pirates instead of getting their own web strategies in order. It does it all with gentle, irreverent charm, polluted only occasionally with gratuitous smut.

Their dominance of the terrain where technology meets politics makes the Boing Boing crew geek aristocracy.


Techcrunch began in 2005 as a blog about dotcom start-ups in Silicon Valley, but has quickly become one of the most influential news websites across the entire technology industry. Founder Michael Arrington had lived through the internet goldrush as a lawyer and entrepreneur before deciding that writing about new companies was more of an opportunity than starting them himself. His site is now ranked the third-most popular blog in the world by search engine Technorati, spawning a mini-empire of websites and conferences as a result. Business Week named Arrington one of the 25 most influential people on the web, and Techcrunch has even scored interviews with Barack Obama and John McCain.

With a horde of hungry geeks and big money investors online, Techcrunch is the largest of a wave of technology-focused blog publishers to tap into the market - GigaOm, PaidContent and Mashable among them - but often proves more contentious than its rivals, thanks to Arrington's aggressive relationships with traditional media and his conflicts of interest as an investor himself.


One of the early wave of blogging pioneers, web designer Jason Kottke started keeping track of interesting things on the internet as far back as 1998. The site took off, boosted partly through close links to popular blog-building website Blogger (he later married one of the founders). And as the phenomenon grew quickly, Kottke became a well-known filter for surfers on the lookout for interesting reading.

Kottke remains one of the purest old-skool bloggers on the block - it's a selection of links to websites and articles rather than a repository for detailed personal opinion - and although it remains fairly esoteric, his favourite topics include film, science, graphic design and sport. He often picks up trends and happenings before friends start forwarding them to your inbox. Kottke's decision to consciously avoid politics could be part of his appeal (he declares himself 'not a fan'), particularly since the blog's voice is literate, sober and inquiring, unlike much of the red-faced ranting found elsewhere online.

A couple of key moments boosted Kottke's fame: first, being threatened with legal action by Sony for breaking news about a TV show, but most notably quitting his web-design job and going solo three years ago. A host of 'micropatrons' and readers donated cash to cover his salary, but these days he gets enough advertising to pay the bills. He continues to plug away at the site as it enters its 10th year.


One of the best-known personal bloggers (those who provide more of a diary than a soapbox or reporting service), Heather Armstrong has been writing online since 2001. Though there were personal websites that came before hers, certain elements conspired to make Dooce one of the biggest public diaries since Samuel Pepys's (whose diary is itself available, transcribed in blog form, at Primarily, Armstrong became one of the first high-profile cases of somebody being fired for writing about her job. After describing events that her employer - a dotcom start-up - thought reflected badly on them, Armstrong was sacked. The incident caused such fierce debate that Dooce found itself turned into a verb that is used in popular parlance (often without users realising its evolution): 'dooced - to be fired from one's job as a direct result of one's personal website'.

Behind Dooce stands an army of personal bloggers perhaps not directly influenced by, or even aware of, her work - she represents the hundreds of thousands who decide to share part of their life with strangers.

Armstrong's honesty has added to her popularity, and she has written about work, family life, postnatal depression, motherhood, puppies and her Mormon upbringing with the same candid and engaging voice. Readers feel that they have been brought into her life, and reward her with their loyalty. Since 2005 the advertising revenue on her blog alone has been enough to support her family.


Once dubbed 'Hollywood's most hated website', Perezhilton (authored by Mario Lavandeira since 2005) is the gossip site celebrities fear most. Mario, 29, is famous for scrawling rude things (typically doodles about drug use) over pap photos and outing closeted stars. On the day of Lindsay Lohan's arrest for drink-driving, he posted 60 updates, and 8m readers logged on.

He's a shameless publicity whore, too. His reality show premiered on VH1 last year, and his blogsite is peppered with snaps of him cuddling Paris Hilton at premieres. Fergie from Black Eyed Peas alluded to him in a song, and Avril Lavigne phoned, asking him to stop writing about her after he repeatedly blogged about her lack of talent and her 'freakishly long arm'.

Talking points memo

At some point during the disputed US election of 2000 - when Al Gore was famously defeated by a few hanging chads - Joshua Micah Marshall lost patience. Despite working as a magazine editor, Marshall chose to vent on the web. Eight years later Talking Points Memo and its three siblings draw in more than 400,000 viewers a day from their base in New York.

Marshall has forged a reputation, and now makes enough money to run a small team of reporters who have made an impact by sniffing out political scandal and conspiracy. 'I think in many cases the reporting we do is more honest, more straight than a lot of things you see even on the front pages of great papers like the New York Times and the Washington Post,' he said in an interview last year. 'But I think both kinds of journalism should exist, should co-exist.'

Although his unabashed partisan approach is admonished by many old-fashioned American reporters, Marshall's skills at pulling together the threads of a story have paid dividends. Last year he helped set the agenda after George Bush covertly fired a string of US attorneys deemed disloyal to the White House. While respected mainstream media figures accused Marshall of seeing conspiracy, he kept digging: the result was the resignation of attorney general Alberto Gonzales, and a prestigious George Polk journalism award for Marshall, the first ever for a blogger.

Least likely to post 'Barack is so, like, gnarly to the max'


Amused by a photo of a smiling cat, idiosyncratically captioned with the query 'I Can Has A Cheezburger?', which he found on the internet while between jobs in early 2007, Eric Nakagawa of Hawaii emailed a copy of it to a friend (known now only as Tofuburger). Then, on a whim, they began a website, first comprising only that one captioned photo but which has since grown into one of the most popular blogs in the world.

Millions of visitors visit to see, create, submit and vote on Lolcats (captioned photos of characterful cats in different settings). The 'language' used in the captions, which this blog has helped to spread globally, is known as Lolspeak, aka Kitty Pidgin. In Lolspeak, human becomes 'hooman', Sunday 'bunday', exactly 'xackly' and asthma 'azma'. There is now an effort to develop a LOLCode computer-programming language and another to translate the Bible into Lolspeak.

Beppe Grillo

Among the most visited blogs in the world is that of Beppe Grillo, a popular Italian comedian and political commentator, long persona non grata on state TV, who is infuriated daily - especially by corruption and financial scandal in his country.

A typical blog by Grillo calls, satirically or otherwise, for the people of Naples and Campania to declare independence, requests that Germany declare war on Italy to help its people ('We will throw violets and mimosa to your Franz and Gunther as they march through') or reports on Grillo's ongoing campaign to introduce a Bill of Popular Initiative to remove from office all members of the Italian parliament who've ever had a criminal conviction. Grillo's name for Mario Mastella, leader of the Popular-UDEUR centre-right party, is Psychodwarf. 'In another country, he would have been the dishwasher in a pizzeria,' says Grillo. Through his blog, he rallied many marchers in 280 Italian towns and cities for his 'Fuck You' Day last September.


A New York blog of 'snarky' gossip and commentary about the media industry, Gawker was founded in 2002 by journalist Nick Denton, who had previously helped set up a networking site called First Tuesday for web and media entrepreneurs. Gawker's earliest fascination was gossip about Vogue editor Anna Wintour, garnered from underlings at Conde Nast. This set the tone for amassing a readership of movers and shakers on the Upper East Side, as well as 'the angry creative underclass' wishing either to be, or not be, like them, or both ('the charmingly incompetent X... the wildly successful blowhard'). Within a year Gawker's readers were making 500,000 page views per month. Nowadays the figure is 11m, recovering from a recent dip to 8m thanks to the showing of a Tom Cruise 'Indoctrination Video' which Scientologists had legally persuaded YouTube to take down. Gawker remains the flagship of Gawker Media, which now comprises 14 blogs, although gossiping by ex-Gawker insiders, a fixation on clicks (which its bloggers are now paid on the basis of) and fresh anxiety over defining itself have led some to claim Gawker has become more 'tabloidy' and celeb- and It-girl-orientated, and less New York-centric. But its core value - 'media criticism' - appears to be intact.

Least likely to post 'We can only wish Rupert Murdoch well with his new venture'

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The Incredibly Shrinking Actors

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Jonah Hill

Jonah Hill, star of the new movie "Moneyball," shocked onlookers when he showed up to the ESPY Awards this summer looking remarkably trim. The previously heavyset actor slimmed down in preparation for his role in the upcoming movie "21 Jump Street." When asked by Esquire whether he's worried that the weight loss might affect his career, he said: "It's funny because people are like, 'Oh, is he not funny anymore?' ... You just gotta live your life. I'm happy with myself."

Gerard Butler

Star of the recent "Machine Gun Preacher," has been seen looking tanned and sinewy. He lost his "300" brawn by engaging in a daily regime of surfing and yoga in order to play the lead in the upcoming surfing movie "Maverick."

Alec Baldwin

"30 Rock" star Alec Baldwin lost 20 lb. by just changing his diet. "I stopped eating refined sugars, desserts and sweets and things. I lost like 20 pounds in like three months from not eating that."

Jason Segel

Jason Segel, who stars in the upcoming movie "The Muppets," was shamed into losing weight when his assistant photographed him passed out on a hotel bed covered with Taco Bell wrappers. "She took a bunch of pictures to show me what I had become," he told David Letterman as he showed one of the incriminating shots to the audience.

Seth Rogen

Famously shed 30 lbs. to play a superhero in "The Green Hornet." Recently, though, he's been complaining that he's having a hard time staying slim. He told Us Magazine"I gave away all my fat clothes, thinking 'I won't need these anymore,' but I do!"

John Goodman

Over the past year, John Goodman, star of "The Big Lebowski" and the HBO series "Treme," shed more than 100 lbs. "It takes a lot of creative energy to sit on your ass and figure out what you're going to eat next," he told People. "I wanted to live life better." Goodman cut alcohol and sugar from his diet and hired Mackie Shilstone, Serena Williams's health coach, to help him get the weight off.

Russell Crowe

Gained 63 lb. for the 2008 movie "Body of Lies" but then had a tough time getting all that weight off. Recently he got himself on a grueling health regime that involved 105 days of training and a diet restricted to 2,400 calories a day. "If i stop exercising my body tries 2 return 2 its heaviest weight," he tweeted to a fan.

Source: Yahoo

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Amazing Plane Crash Survivors

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Keep in mind that about 95% of airplane crashes have survivors. For the survivor thinking why me and was it fate, or was it not my time, was it destiny or was it just pure luck?

Juliane Köpcke

Date of Crash: December 24, 1971
Aircraft type: Lockheed Electra L-188A
Crash Site: Puerto Inca, Peru
Passengers & Crew: 92
Fatalities: 91
Cause of Crash: Human Error and Structural failure possibly struck by lightning

On Christmas Eve 1971 the Peruvian airliner, had taken off from the Jorge Chavez International Airport in Lima on a flight to Pucallpa, Peru. About a half hour after takeoff and at about 21,000 feet, the aircraft entered a thunderstorm and heavy turbulence and was possibly struck by lightning. The pilots had difficulty controlling the aircraft and it soon went into a dive.

The crew attempted to level out the plane, but the fire and turbulent forces on the wings caused the right wing and most of the left wing to separate from the aircraft. The aircraft came crashing down in a mountainous region of the Amazon. Miraculously, a German teenager (17) Juliane Koepcke who was traveling with her mother survived the crash and was still strapped in her seat.

After searching for her mother in vain Koepcke wandered through the jungle for nine days looking for help. On the ninth day, she found a canoe and shelter. Hours later, local lumbermen returned and found her. The men took her on the final seven hour journey via canoe down the river to a lumber station where she was airlifted to a hospital.

Cecelia Cichan

Date of Crash: August 16, 1987
Aircraft type: McDonnell Douglas MD-82
Operator : Northwest Airlines
Crash Site: Romulus, Michigan (western Detroit)
Passengers & Crew Onboard: 155
Fatalities Onboard: 154 – 2 on the ground were also killed
Cause of Crash: Pilot error

After taking off from Metro Airport, during the initial climb, the plane rolled about 35 degrees in each direction. The left wing struck a light pole about ½ mile (800 m) from the end of the runway, struck other light poles, the roof of a car rental building, and then the ground. Cecelia Cichan was located by rescue workers in her seat several feet away from her mother’s body along with Cecelia’s father, and her 6-year-old brother. Her survival of the crash was considered unexplainable and miraculous by many, including airline crash investigators.

The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the accident was the flight crew’s failure to use the taxi checklist to ensure the flaps and slats were extended for takeoff. Cecelia is now married and earned a Psychology degree from the University of Alabama. Although she has made no public statements or attended annual memorial services regarding the tragic crash, she corresponds with some of the crash victims’ loved ones.

Vesna Vulović

Date of Crash: January 26, 1972
Aircraft type: McDonnell-Douglas DC-9
Operator: Jugoslovenski Aero transport
Cause of Crash: Bombing
Crash Site: Hinterhermsdorf , East Germany
Passengers & Crew :28
Fatalities: 27

This is close to the top of the list because of the overall circumstances and the unbelievable survival story of Vesna Vulović . Vesna was a flight attendant onboard when a bomb went off at the altitude of 33,000 ft. (10,050 meters). The terrorist act was attributed to Croatian Ustashe terrorists. The explosion tore the jet into several pieces in mid-air. The wreckage fell through the sky for three minutes before striking a frozen mountainside. A German man upon arriving at the crash found Vesna lying half outside of the plane, with another crew member’s body on top of her, and a serving cart pinned against her body.

The man was a medic in the second world war, and did what he could for her until further help arrived. Vesna’s injuries included a fractured skull, two broken legs and three broken vertebrae, which left her temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. She regained the use of her legs after surgery and continued working for JAT at a desk job. It was discovered later her schedule had been mixed up with that of another flight attendant named Vesna, and she was subsequently placed on the wrong flight.

Vesna still holds the Guinness World Record for the highest fall survived without a parachute, at 33,330 feet. She is considered a national heroine throughout the former Yugoslavia.

Mohammed el-Fateh Osman

Date of Crash: July 8, 2003
Aircraft type: Boeing 737
Operator : Sudan Airways
Crash Site: Port Sudan
Passengers & Crew: 116
Fatalities: 115
Cause of Crash: *Unknown

About 10 minutes after takeoff heading from Port Sudan on the northeastern coast to the capital, the pilot radioed the control tower about a problem in one engine. The pilot killed that engine and told the tower he was returning to the airport. Ten minutes later Sudanese airliner plunged into a hillside while attempting an emergency landing killing 116 people and leaving only 3-year old Mohammed el-Fateh Osman amid a scene of charred corpses as the only survivor.

The boy was found injured and lying on a fallen tree by a nomad. The boy’s mother was among the victims. Mohammed lost part of a lower leg and was treated for severe burns. The bodies were buried in a mass grave after performing the Muslim prayer because the conditions of the bodies would not allow transporting and delivering them to the relatives.

*The country blamed the United States on the crash saying that sanctions had restricted vital aircraft parts. The United States denied that claim stating that there was no ban on equipment required for aviation safety.

George Lamson, Jr.

Date of Crash: January 21, 1985
Aircraft type: Lockheed Electra 188
Crash Site: Reno, Nevada, USA
Passengers & Crew: 71
Fatalities: 70
Cause of Crash: Pilot/Ground Crew error

After a weekend of skiing 17 year old George Lamson had taken a seat next to his father in the front row of the airplane’s cabin, directly behind the bulkhead. As the plane began to shudder the plane’s right wing dipped as it began its ill-advised right turn. Lamson pulled his knees to his chest just as the plane hit the ground. The force of the crash ripped Lamson’s seat from of the fuselage and was catapulted out of the plane landing upright in the middle of the highway and was still strapped in his seatbelt.

He unbuckled and dashed toward a field at the far edge of the pavement as the plane exploded. Three people survived the crash initially including George Lamson’s father but both died a few days later of severe burns and head injuries. It was later determined that the probable cause of this accident was the captain’s failure to control and the copilot’s failure to monitor the flight path and airspeed of the aircraft. This is what caused the unexpected vibration shortly after takeoff.

Lamson was recently contacted by the press and is a now a father himself. He asked the reporter not to reveal anything more of his work or whereabouts and remains a very private person.

Erika Delgado

Date of Crash: Jan 13, 1995
Aircraft type: DC-9
Operator : Intercontinental airlines
Crash Site: Maria La Baja, 500 miles north- west of Bogota
Passengers & Crew: 52
Fatalities: 51
Cause of Crash: Unknown

This airliner exploded in mid-air as the pilot apparently was attempting an emergency landing near a swamp but hit a grassy field and exploded and then toppled into a lagoon. A farmer said he heard cries for help and found a 9 year old girl Erika Delgado on a mound of seaweed, which had broken her fall. She was the only survivor. She was travelling with her parents and a younger brother from Bogota to the Caribbean resort city of Cartagena.

The rescuers said she told them her mother had shoved her out of the plane as it broke up and burst into flames. She was taken to hospital in shock and with a broken arm. Erika later recalls someone approached and ignored her cries for help but ripped a gold necklace from her neck and ran away. Witnesses say scavengers also looted the bodies of other passengers. Erika issued a plea for the return of the necklace, which she says was the only memento of her father.

Nestor Mata

Date of Crash: March 17, 1957
Aircraft type: C-47 Skytrain
Operator : Philippine Air Force
Crash Site: 22 miles NW of Cebu City, Philippines
Passengers & Crew: 26
Fatalities: 25
Cause of Crash: Metal fatigue

This crash killed the 7th President of the Philippines, Ramon Magsaysay, as well as many high ranking military officials. A reporter for the Philippine Herald, Nestor Mata, was the sole survivor of the accident. The aircraft took off from Lahug Airport for Nichols Field, eyewitnesses on the ground observed that the airplane had not gained enough altitude as it approached the mountain ranges in Balamban. Mata was sitting in the second seat next to the President’s compartment when the crash occurred and remembers there was a blinding flash for a moment, then he fell unconscious.

When he regained consciousness he found himself on the side of a steep cliff among trees and bushes. As he was in agonizing pain, he began shouting, ‘Mr. President! Mr. President!’ When some farmers found him they had to return to the village to get a hammock on which they loaded and carried him for 18 hours through rugged terrain.

As soon as Mata reached the Southern Island Hospital in Cebu he was treated for severe shock and pain from second and third degree burn. Mata did not lose consciousness in the hospital and was able to dictate to a nurse a press dispatch to his paper. It began ‘President Magsaysay is dead.’

Foye Kenneth Roberts

Date of Crash: JUNE 14 1943
Aircraft type: B-17C Flying Fortress
Passengers & Crew: 41
Fatalities: 40
Cause of Crash: unknown

For reasons of military security and morale, this incident was hushed-up by U.S. Army and Australian civil authorities for many years. The plane carried forty-one American servicemen returning from ten days of leave. The aircraft took off into ground fog and leveled off at an altitude of about 300 feet. In a matter of minutes the plane had caught fire in the air, and as it dived into the trees one of its wings came away leaving a great opening in the fuselage through which most of the passengers were emptied into the bush before the final impact.

The only survivor was Foye Kenneth Roberts. Robert’s suffered head injuries that were not diagnosed at the time of the crash and lost his speech for many years after lifesaving brain surgery. Robert’s cannot recall anything of the actual crash. In February 2004 Foye Kenneth Roberts, passed away. Another fact that is remarkable is that still to this day this crash rates as the worst aviation disaster in Australian history.

James Polehinke

Date of Crash: August 27, 2006
Aircraft type: Bombardier Canadair Regional Jet (CRJ) CRJ-100ER
Operator : Comair (d/b/a Delta Connection
Crash Site: Blue Grass Airport, Lexington, Kentucky
Passengers & Crew Onboard: 50
Fatalities: 49
Cause of Crash: Pilot Error

This aircraft was assigned the airport’s Runway 22 for the takeoff, but used Runway 26 instead. Runway 26 was too short for a safe takeoff, causing the aircraft to overrun at the end of the runway before it could become airborne killing all 47 passengers and two of the three crew. The Flights First officer James Polehinke was the only survivor.

Polehinke suffered serious injuries, including multiple broken bones, a collapsed lung, and severe bleeding. Doctors later determined that Polehinke had suffered brain damage and has no memory of the crash or the events leading up to it. Polehinke was flying the plane when it crashed, but it was the flight’s captain, Jeffrey Clay, who taxied the aircraft onto the wrong runway.

First Lieutenant Martin Farkaš

Date of Crash: January 19, 2006
Aircraft type: Antonov An-24
Operator: Slovak Air Force
Crash Site: Hejce, Hungary
Passengers & Crew: 43
Fatalities : 42
Cause of Crash: Pilot Error

This airplane was carrying Slovak peacekeepers. The aircraft crashed in snowy and forested terrain on Borsó Hill at an elevation of 700 meters (2,300 feet) near the Hungarian village of Hejce and the town of Telkibánya. The plane hit the tops of trees before catching fire and crashing.

The bodies and wreckage were scattered over a large area. Michaela Farkasova, the wife of the only survivor, reported that she received a cellular telephone call from her husband and told her that his plane had crashed in a forest. He asked her to alert rescue services. Shortly after the phone call Farkas was found. According to rescuers, his survival was pure luck as he was found in the aircraft’s lavatory, which received little damage.

Farkaš suffered minor brain swelling and lung injuries after the crash. He was put into a medically induced coma, and was soon reported to be in stable condition. Further investigations indicated that the pilot descended too early in the dark towards the lights of Košice.

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Elegant Women In Movies

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 27 September 2011 0 komentar
So few modern women that can really be classified as elegant. This has been a very difficult list to compile as there are so many women who deserve to be on it.

Audrey Hepburn
1929 – 1993

By the mid 1950s, Hepburn was not only one of the biggest motion picture stars in Hollywood, but also a major fashion icon. Her gamine and elfin appearance and widely recognized sense of chic were both admired and imitated. In 1955, she was awarded the Golden Globe – World Film Favorite – Female. Outside of her Hollywood fame, she was a great humanitarian.

Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve is the epitome of “French Chic” – even today she remains as beautiful and elegant as always.

Grace Kelly
1929 – 1982

Not only was Grace Kelly one of the most beautiful and talented Actresses of her time, she also became a Princess.

Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett is an Academy Award- and Golden Globe Award-winning Australian actress. She has also won various awards, most notably including two SAGs and two BAFTAs, making her one of a few actors who won all four major motion picture acting awards.

Ingrid Bergman
1915 – 1982

For her contributions to the motion picture industry, Ingrid Bergman has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6759 Hollywood Blvd. She continues to be a cultural icon — not only for her role in Casablanca, but for her career as a whole and for her innocent, natural beauty. In addition, she is considered by many to be one of the foremost actresses of the 20th century.

Ava Gardner
1922 – 1990

Ava worked in the salt mines of the movie industry; in melodramas, historical romances and safari movies, in crime films and westerns: movies that film critics affect to despise. In the mid and late 1950s, Ava became a byword in beauty, a yardstick by which other actresses were judged. As middle-age caught up with Ava, she moved from Spain and settled in London where she lived in Ennismore Gardens, a very prestigious address, until her death in January 1990, shortly after her sixty-eighth birthday.

Elizabeth Taylor

Despite many personal problems throughout her life, Elizabeth Taylor has always managed to appear elegant on screen. She is one of the true bright lights of the American movie industry. The American Film Institute named Taylor seventh among the Greatest Female Stars of All Time.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu was a tough pick – mostly because some of her publicity photos may be deemed to be anything but elegant, however, when fully clothed, Lucy Liu is always stylishly presented and carries herself with grace. She is also one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood today. Liu is also an artist in several media, and has had three gallery shows showcasing her collage, paintings, and photography.

Lauren Bacall

Lauren Bacall is included here not just because of her style and appearance – she is also one of the finest examples of a woman who is strong without being manly or overbearing. She exudes the perfect balance of class and strength. Known for her husky voice and sultry looks, she became a fashion model and role model for women in the late 1940s.

Eva Gabor
1919 – 1995

Eva Gabor is the elegant daughter in the family (unlike Zsazsa who hit a policeman). Eva was the first of her family to emigrate to the United States from Hungary. She is best known for her role in Green Acres, the comedy about a wealthy couple who move from the glamour of the big city to a farm.

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